Objective: To prepare a curriculum for mathematics and evaluate your curriculum.
Scenario: You teach a math class for fifth graders, and this year, one of your objectives is keeping your students engaged in learning math and continued interest in math activities, since you know their math interest tends to wane in the later elementary years. Your mission is to send your children to middle school with enjoyment and confidence in math.
Focus Assignment:
Prepare a mathematics curriculum plan for your fifth-grade mathematics class this year. List at least two creative activities you can use to teach math to this age group, and explain why you have chosen those activities to be part of your curriculum plan.
Be sure to read the SELF-EVALUATION section below to guide your thinking. Write your self-evaluation after you have completed your curriculum plan.
Review the assessment rubric to see how your assignment and self-evaluation will be graded.
For each item of your curriculum plan:
Explain how this item addresses the issues in the scenario.
Give evidence from the chapter supporting this item (with citations).
Describe and justify how your curriculum plan will improve teaching and learning in the scenario.
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