I am looking for a person that will implement a code in Python that will add obj

I am looking for a person that will implement a code in Python that will add objects to my images.
The program input should be:
– a folder with images (jpg)
– a variable with name of object I need and its synonyms (e.g. rock, stone, etc.)
– variable for number of objects I want to be generated and placed on each image
The program should:
– use some state of the art model (e.g. stable diffusion, or other) to generate realistic objects.
– place that objects in mine images in realistic and natural places (e.g. stone should be on ground not on tree, shell should be in sand not on the sky, etc.).
– objects should have realistic size
– adjust gamma, brightness and contrast so that added objects seem natural.
– save a JSON file in COCO format, that will store masks of generated and placed objects.
Code should be well documented in accordance to Google Python Stylesheet.
Solution should be developed and work on Google Colabolatory Notebook

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