Assignment Instructions:
Respond to all the prompts with any one of the following choices:
Five-paragraph essay with a title page and reference page with at least three APA-formatted academic references.
Choose one of the movies to watch from the list below.
Abandon Ship (1957) *free YouTube
John Q (2002)
The Dark Knight (2008) graphic content warning
Watchman (2009) graphic content warning
Gone Baby Gone (2007) graphic content warning
Flight (2012)
Eye in the Sky (2015)*
The Box (2009) graphic content warning
Sophies Choice (1982)
Avengers: Infinity War (2016)
Injustice (2021)
Saving Private Ryan (1998) graphic content warning
My Sisters Keeper (2009)
Gattaca (1997)
Awakening (1990)
The Last King of Scotland (2006)
After watching your chosen film:
1. Choose two ethical theories/medical principles to apply the moral dilemma presented in the film. Choose from the list below: Warning: As we have learned, it is only possible to argue an ethical situation using the four pillars with a normative ethical theory as a foundation. Autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice look different from a Kantian perspective than a utilitarian one.
Virtue ethics
Utilitarian ethics
Kantian ethics
2. Introduction: Outline the movie and then describe the two chosen theories in your own words, backing up your views with academic resources as evidence for your explanation of the moral views.
3. Body: Discuss how these two chosen theories could provide solutions or remedies for the ethical dilemma featured within the film. Be sure your analysis follows this structure and addresses all of the following:
Outline the paramount features of your chosen theories, which are found in the movie?
What conflicts, which are present in the film, relate to your chosen theories?
What moral guidance does the ethical theories you selected provide the characters in the film?
Conclusion: Provide a summary of what you have discussed and reflect on what you have learned. Point out the possible weaknesses of your selected theories, and then apply what you have learned to both your personal and professional life.
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