1. This exam is intended to measure group performance. The test is “open book”

1. This exam is intended to measure group performance. The test is “open book” and “open notes.” The Honor Code applies to this exam and violations will not be tolerated.
2. The portion of the Final Exam consists of 10 pages including this top page. Please, make sure that you have the complete exam.
3. Please answer the Questions posed in this Word document and return this as a PDF document (with your answers) by submission on the Canvas course page.
4. You may alter the spacing in the Word file to accommodate your answer. In other words, if you need more space to show a calculation than is shown in the problem, feel free to create the space.
5. In the event that a clarification about the test needs to be made, your instructor will send a communication via the “Announcements” in Canvas.

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