The maximum page length for this assignment is 2 to 4 pages, not counting the title
and reference pages. Please note this template is in perfect APA format. Do not change the font
style or size, heading format, or reference format.
Each section (under each heading) requires at least one paragraph (i.e., a minimum of
three sentences). In this section, define the profession of counseling, describe how it differs from
other helping professions, and summarize the philosophical underpinnings of counseling. Be sure
to support your points with citations to the Learning Resources. Using multiple resources will
support your points further.
Choose a historical figure from the assigned chapter. Describe how the historical
figure you chose would react to the definition of counseling above. How would this figure handle
it? Would the figure be shocked, mildly surprised, or in complete agreement? How would the
figure respond? Be sure to support your points with citations to the Learning Resources.
From the assigned chapter, discuss the future direction you selected that most excites
you, and explain how it will enhance your professional practice as a counselor. Be sure to
support your points with citations to the Learning Resources.
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