You are a BCaBA with a few years of experience and you have studied trauma-infor

You are a BCaBA with a few years of experience and you have studied trauma-informed care through continuing education. You have a new case assigned and the learner has a history of abuse and neglect. This learner is unable to speak, does not have any method of communication, and engages in several problem behaviors including self-injury, throwing items, and aggression.
The technician assigned to the case does not have a lot of experience but has done well in their couple of months. They became a Registered Behavior Technician and are excited to work with this new learner. They have asked you to provide them with performance expectations to ensure they are staying on track and helping this learner to the best of their ability.
Please complete your assigned readings and respond to the following:
Create an operational definition for each problem behavior (you can take liberties with this and describe any type of self-injury, throwing, and aggression).
Review your chapter three reading about prioritization of target behaviors. Where would you begin with this learner? How does this learner’s history impact your decision about what skills or behaviors to address ? Use your text to support your response.
Create three performance expectations for the RBT with regard to intervention. Refer to the RBT Task List to guide your response.

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