Review the information in your textbook in chapter 16 in the section. Hofstede’s

Review the information in your textbook in chapter 16 in the section. Hofstede’s model of National Culture, which covers Geert Hofstede’s research on power distance (low vs. high), individualism (vs. collectivism), masculinity (vs. femininity) or assertiveness (vs. nurturing), uncertainty avoidance (high vs. low), and long –term orientation (vs. short-term orientation).
You (a citizen of the United States) have been given an assignment to travel to a foreign country and deliver a training program for citizens of that foreign country. The internet has country comparison tools (such as the one from Hofstede insights) that provide information on the culture of each country. Find a tool and determine how you will design and deliver training for foreign employees, keeping in mind Geert Hofstede’s research about cultural differences, and your plans to assess its success.

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