Candidates add components taught in this module to the two lesson plans previou

Candidates add components taught in this module to the two lesson plans previously submitted in 700.4P Planning Instruction Part 2 for evaluation. This is the final evaluation of the lesson planning projects. Recall that you will use the same two lesson plans you have previously submitted in 700.4PBP. This performance-based assessment, 700.5PBP, continues with those same two plans, this time evaluating different parts of the lesson plan and the overall plan. 
As before, this project is much more detailed than lesson plans typically used in the classroom. The performance-based assessments are designed to evaluate candidate skills in a comprehensive way; thus, candidates are asked to provide much more detail than in traditional plans so that the instructor is able to evaluate skills in these areas.  
Questioning strategies and feedback
Accommodations and modifications
The extent to which the lesson is differentiated
Assessment for learning
The overall plan
For 700.5P, candidates submit two complete and original lesson plans for feedback and final evaluation.  The parts of the lesson plan form that will be scored include Differentiation (Reteach and Extensions) Closure, Questions, Modifications and Accommodations, Assessments, and the Overall Plan.
While each lesson is designed to deliver the state-required content for the grade level, some students require additional learning supports to successfully access this content. Students who are learning the English language, or who have learning disabilities, are especially in need of these supports. There are multiple supports for learning that are available for all students; however, more intensive supports are often required for some learners with greater needs.  These more intensive supports fall into two categories; accommodations and modifications. 

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