Please read the specific requirements for the assignment in the syllabus and read the assignment rubric. Be sure to address all of the identified laws in the table and be sure that each box in the table contains some notation, even if you need to use N/A. You must use APA text citation format in the table and include a reference section in your submission. Be sure to go to and click on the Laws tab to access information about IDEA 2004; ESSA; FERPA; and Section 504; click on ADA to read about the American with Disabilities Act. Grading Rubric: Law Comparison Table: 14-15 points: All issues are addressed completely and concisely; all five federal laws are correctly addressed. The responses in the table demonstrate research into each of the federal laws/regulations/policies that relates to individuals with disabilities and their families as well as a thorough understanding of the district’s, school’s, and families’ rights and responsibilities.All sources are cited in each box, in APA format. All information that is copied is correctly cited and there is a reference list in correct APA format. 12-13 points: All issues were addressed adequately and all five federal laws are correctly addressed, although there may be some extraneous/obscure information. The responses in the table demonstrate research into each of the federal laws/ regulations/policiesthat relates to individuals with disabilities and their families as well as an adequate understanding of the district’s, school’s, and families’ rights and responsibilities.All information that is copied is correctly cited and there is a reference list in correct APA format. 10-12 points: Not all issues were addressed and/or not all laws were addressed. An adequate understanding of the federal laws was demonstrated in most areas but not all of the school/school district’s responsibilitiesand/or the student’s and families’ rights and responsibilitieswere listed. All copied information is not correctly cited in the table and/or the reference list. 1-9 points: Not all issues were addressed and/or not all laws were addressed. The responses in the table demonstrate little if any research beyond the information supplied in the textbook. Information about IDEA requirements is not from the 2004 reauthorized version of IDEA. Significant responsibilitiesand/or rights are missing. Citations are incomplete in the table and/or the reference list. 0 points if any of the information in the table is plagiarized.
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