Outline: For this exercise – please create the outline for your paper. The outli

Outline: For this exercise – please create the outline for your paper. The outline should include the following all in APA format:
Title page with title, name date, class, professor, and university info.
Top level headers which outline what you will be talking about in your paper.
Second level headers (sub-headers) which outline detail for each of your top-level headers.
A bibliography list with at least 3 sources.
Research and prepare a report on your selected (selection made in Week 2) current trend in the area of IT Security.
Prepare a 4-6 page paper in Microsoft Word using approved APA format. (1,000 word minimum)
The minimum page count cannot not include your Title page and Reference list.
Include a Title page, Reference list, introduction and concluding statement.
Include a detailed descriiption of the topic.
Include information on technologies involved in your selected area of research.
Include information on future trends indicated in your selected area of research.
References (minimum 5 peer reviewed sources)
1″ Margins (top/bottom/sides).
Times New Roman or Arial font, in size 12.
Correct spelling and grammar.
APA formatting: Title page, in-paragraph citations, and the Reference list.

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