How did Marbury v. Madison establish the principle of judicial review, and what

How did Marbury v. Madison establish the principle of judicial review, and what implications did this have for the judiciary’s role in governance? In United States v. Nixon, how did the Court’s application of judicial review address the balance of executive power and accountability? Drawing on Carter’s analysis, how do political considerations influence the exercise of judicial power, particularly in decisions involving executive authority? Conclude by discussing whether judicial review serves as a neutral arbiter of constitutional principles or as a politically influenced mechanism, using examples from the cases and Carter’s text to support your position.
The paper should be written in APA 7th format including citation and references. I do not need a cover page, table of contents, or abstract for these assignments. However, your paper should reflect everything needed for the paper itself starting on page 1 (i.e. page numbers, headers, etc.)
If you are unsure about how to write in APA 7th format, please visit the APA website found here.
Your paper must be written in TNR, 12 point font, 1″ margins, etc. that comply with APA 7th formatting. 
The paper must be a minimum of 500 words, excluding references.
Please include a proper reference page. 
You are NOT permitted to direct quote. Each direct quote found in this assignment will result in a 2 point deduction. This helps you learn to paraphrase and cite more efficiently when quotes are not an option. 
You MUST cite each reading at least once in the paper. Each reading omitted from the paper will result in a 2 point deduction.
Please see the grading scale below for more information on how your reflection papers will be graded.

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