Assignment 3.2: Summary Completion requirements Opened: Tuesday, 12 November 202

Assignment 3.2: Summary
Completion requirements
Opened: Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 12:00 AM
Due: Sunday, 17 November 2024, 11:59 PM
Assignment: Summary
Define summary
Assignment Overview
In this writing assignment, you demonstrate the process of summarizing.
A one-page (250-word) summary
Step 1 Choose one of the topics below.
Summarize an article about some aspect of your chosen career or major. The article may be about job opportunities in your field or focus on a particular issue central to your field.
Summarize an article that helps you solve a problem in your life. Whether you are trying to find ways to save more money, impress an interviewer, organize your time, choose an automobile, or eat more nutritiously, dozens of articles await you in the library or on the Internet.
Write a summary of an article that explores a current social problem, such as homelessness, drug abuse, domestic violence, or school violence.
Step 2 Complete the assignment.
In a one to two-page paper, summarize your chosen topic. Because articles often vary widely in length, be sure to choose an article that is substantial enough to lend itself to summarizing. Be sure to cite any articles you use according to the documentation style specified by your instructor. Use the link below to see what should be included in an academic article summary. In-text citations and referencing the article are necessary for this assignment.
Step 3 Save and submit your assignment in the 7th edition of APA formatting.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

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