‘Radical empiricism ends up in skepticism.’ Discuss this statement in the light of David Hume’s epistemology.
Research Paper: You must write a 5-page research paper (excluding the
cover page, if any, and citation page) for this course. Before writing your
essay, you are welcome to discuss the research question or thesis with the
professor. Some possible topics will be posted on the Blackboard. If you
choose to write another subject, you must discuss it and get approval from
the professor. Scholarly sources should support your assertions and
findings in the paper. All quotes, ideas, or themes taken from other sources
should be identified in the essay to avoid plagiarism. You may consistently
follow MLA format. You should provide source
information in the research paper and a source citation page at the end. At
least five books and/or journal articles should be used for research.
The research paper should have a proper title, Introduction, body of the
essay, and conclusion. The research question and the paper’s purpose should
be clearly stated in the Introduction, and the research findings should be
summarized in the conclusion. The research question should be
systematically developed and argued in the paper. will be graded for
clarity, organization, the extent of research, creativity, originality, and overall
quality. Research should be typed in Times Roman, in 12 fonts (not
bold), and double-spaced. The paper should be submitted through
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