Write a succinct paper in 5 pages or less (text, not including title page or reference page), following 7th edition APA style and constructs of professional writing that answers one of the below health policy questions (student’s choice):
Given the current precarious state of the Affordable Care Act, discuss the pros and cons of each of the following three actions using appropriate referencing. Think of these in the context of Congressional consideration as legislators attempt to find a sustainable solution to adopt that will address the problems facing the nation regarding health care coverage: a) full repeal of the ACA, b) a single payer option, and c) removal of the individual mandate.
Consider clinical prevention (secondary and tertiary) and population health. Provide a response, with justification and appropriate referencing, for the following question “How will current issues related to scope of practice for advanced nursing practice affect access to care and outcomes?”
Boyer’s Model of Scholarship includes 4 domains – discovery, integration, teaching, and application. Emphasis is placed on students developing competency in leadership. It is essential to be able to translate, write, and disseminate knowledge in peer-reviewed publications. Disseminating knowledge through writing provides engagement in the scholarly domain of integration, which assists students in developing competency as a health care leader and their ability to synthesize literature and disseminate knowledge.
This assignment is designed to facilitate the experience of writing for publication, in health care leadership:
Use the questions presented above (“How will current issues related to scope of practice for advanced nursing practice affect access to care and outcomes?”). Research current thought on the topic (legislation, literature, other related media), synthesize the information, and write a succinct manuscriipt summarizing the state of the issue and informed responses to the question(s) posed.
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