the primary source is: Madam Campan
Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette,
Queen of France
a) Students will be given (available on Moodle) a choice of 2 primary source documents that deals with a European history between the 15th and 19th century. b) Analyze the documents according to the following criteria (you can always refer to the “How to Analyze Primary Sources” section on Moodle for more information):
● What is the nature or type of source (letter, diary entry, newspaper, government document). Why was the source created in the place?
● Who created the source and what do we know about them (class, race, gender, nationality, age, occupation, political affiliation etc.). How are they connected to the topics or issue(s) raised in the document?
● When was the source produced? Think here not just about what year and what was happening at that time, but also think about if it was produced before, during, or after a particular event.
● Where was the source produced?
● Who is the intended audience of the source, what is the message they intend to convey, and perhaps most importantly how do they want them to react? Newspapers create stories for their readers, so they are intended to be public where a diary entry or a private letter might not be (although they might be). Similarly, a government report is likely public. But as we know the audiences are not always the same. Particular newspapers might attract a certain type of reader (class, gender, political persuasion). Letters and reports might just be a recording of events, but they may also be a call to action, or a demand for decision.
● What can this source teach us about the period during which it was written? Choose two topics found in your primary source and analyze how they reflect the society and the period in which it was written. This analysis should be supported by at least 3 secondary sources (academic articles, papers and books … no random online sources or Wikipedia!).
the source you will be analyzing will be the file attached below.. And use footnotes. Here are three scholarly sources provided. Yonge, Charles Duke. The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 1. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. Two other sources are attached in PDF format below.
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