you suggestions for potential career options based on your interests. You will use your assessment

To identify your career goals, take this O*NET Career Self-Assessment. Your responses are categorized into six O*NET career clusters (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional). The Interest Profile will give you suggestions for potential career options based on your interests. You will use your assessment results to help you to decide which career choice(s) are suitable for you. PART 1: Career Assessment Reflection: (200-300 word minimum) 1. Which career cluster did O*NET identify for you? (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional)? Which careers were identified as your strongest matches? 2. Select your top career choice. Why is this career a good fit for you? If your career assessment results do not match your intended career goal, reflect on why this might be the case. If you are uncertain about your career path, use your career assessment results to guide your thinking and make plans to discover your intended career path. PART 2: Goals Summary (200-300 word minimum) For each category (Personal, Academic, Career) below, select one long-term goal to be the starting place. Then, select related intermediate and short-term goals and discuss your plans below. Check your goals to make sure they have S.M.A.R.T. characteristics (See Chapter 7). Discuss any progress you have made so far, as well as, tools and tactics you’ll need to achieve your goals. ? Personal Goals: Discuss your long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals. ? Academic Goals: Discuss your long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals. ? Career Goals: Discuss your long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals. Include one or more of these artifacts to provide evidence of your progress (Ex. action plan, planning calendar, self-change contract/project, resume, academic map, or other artifact. Consider adding appropriate web links to supplement your page content

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