research plan will contain the following sections: Problem: In 1–2 paragraphs,

research plan will contain the following sections:
Problem: In 1–2 paragraphs, clearly present the research problem statement.
Intent: In 1–2 paragraphs, clearly describe what your team intends to do about the problem in the course of this investigation.
Research Question: Write one research question.
Hypothesis: Write one hypothesis with the corresponding null hypothesis (for quantitative problems only).
Literature Themes: In 4–6 paragraphs, describe the major themes of literature on this topic. Answer the following questions in your narrative:How prevalent is the problem among existing current research?
What are other researchers currently doing about this problem?
What themes exist for how others have resolved this problem, or what are the leading recommendations from current research?
What is different or similar about the research approach your team is taking to address the problem?
Data Collection and Analysis Plan: In 2–5 paragraphs, precisely describe your data collection and analysis plan. Answer the following questions in your narrative:What data, exactly, will you use to evaluate this problem?
Where, exactly, will the data come from?
What calculations, exactly, will you complete to organize and understand the data? (for quantitative)
What, exactly, are the variables (independent and dependent)? (for quantitative)
What statistical test will you use to test the null hypothesis, and why did you choose that test? (for quantitative)
What, exactly, are your criteria to reject the null hypothesis? (for quantitative)
in APA format

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