Accurately and with sufficient depth describe the main argument of each article

Accurately and with sufficient depth describe the main argument of each article (30 points) Discuss how articles for the week complement and compare to one another in multiple and meaningful ways. (30 points) Include an open-ended discussion question for each article. (20 points) Used one or two direct quotations from each reading, while making sure to paraphrase the main ideas of the reading in your own words. (10 points) Written in essay format with a brief introduction, coherent, well-structured body paragraphs, and conclusion. (10 points) reading log when only one article is assigned. Please focus on the single article but more closely, and please use material of your choice from a previous week to compare and contrast. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Remember to include a self-grading paragraph and a suggested grade out of 100.

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