It is the time to harvest the fruits of your work in this course!
1. Teams of students are expected to submit their final drafts of their research proposal reports by the due date.
2. The project must be aligned with the research requirements. Such as, showing good and clear research problem and objectives, well written literature review with correct citation, research methodology and design, and etc.
3. You may use the following outlines for your report.
➢ Introduction
▪ Research Problem
▪ Significance (The importance/relevance of the proposed study)
▪ Purpose and Research Questions/Hypotheses
➢ Literature Review
▪ Include a one-pageliterature review summaryof at least 6 articles including, if appropriate, the reviewed articles you have chosen for your problem of research in your assignment and any other relevant references.
▪ Use the APA Style for citation.
➢ Methodology
▪ Research Design
▪ Sampling Design
▪ Research Variables
▪ Data Collection
▪ Research Instrument
▪ Research Constraints
➢ References
APA Style
▪ PLAGIARISM: It is the use of someone else’s idea, words, projects, artwork, phrasing, sentence structure, or other work without properly acknowledging the ownership (source) of the property. Plagiarism is dishonest because it misrepresents the work of someone else as one’s own. Students who are suspected of plagiarism will answer to an investigation. Those found guilty will face a disciplinary action as per the university rules.
➢ Appendices (if needed)
4. Your research proposal report is expected to:
• include approximately 5-10 double-spaced pages (12pt. font) not including the appendices or references,
• have a word count maximum 4000words
• include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources in the list of references.
• use the APA citation and referencing style
5. PLAGIARISM: It is the use of someone else’s idea, words, projects, artwork, phrasing, sentence structure, or other work without properly acknowledging the ownership (source) of the property. Plagiarism is dishonest because it misrepresents the work of someone else as one’s own. Students who are suspected of plagiarism will answer to an investigation. Those found guilty will face a disciplinary action as per the university rules.
The submitted work will be subject to a plagiarism detection process using the Turnitin software. Similarity should not be more than 24%. Turnitin will provide you with a Similarity Report after you submit.
6. Grading:
− Problem Statement: 5%
− Literature review: 5%
− Written report: 5%
7. You may use the following cover page.
Al Ain University
College of Business
Scientific Research Methodology [0508203]
Fall 2024- 2025
Your research title is here
Student Name
ID #
Submitted to: Dr. Maha Rahrouh
Last Completed Projects
topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |