to 4 plus preliminary ERD As stated in the scenario we need to track the

Based on the business scenario stated above you will identify the database needs, and then create a conceptual data model to support these needs. All relevant documentation for parts 1 to 4 plus preliminary ERD As stated in the scenario we need to track the visits a patient makes to their doctor. Some patient visits are related to a new issue/illness, some are follow up visits to an existing diagnosis and some visits are routine “well patient” visits or checkups. We would like to be able to track which type of visit each instance is so we can keep specific information regarding the visit. For example: Finally, modify the ERD using a supertype/subtype structure within the Office Visit entity. Modified ERD While creating your entities you should have been thinking about what relationships the entities would have with each other. Create the relationships between your entities including the relationship’s optionality and cardinality. All ERDish rules and ERD diagram with relationships Project 3 RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConceptual ER 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLogical/Implementation 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubtypes 5 pts

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