1. Now we have to do phase 2. Phase 2: Cost out the proposed services for its fi

1. Now we have to do phase 2. Phase 2: Cost out the proposed services for its year of operation (15 % of course grade) Include: • Market analysis – include discussion of o internal and external factors that influence the need for and potential success of this program, and o alternative approaches and why the proposed program is the preferred option • Identify anticipated payments sources and revenue • Identify fixed and variable costs for personnel, materials, space, supplies, etc.; administrative overhead allowance; and capital expenses • Create a time line (Gantt chart) for program implementation • Estimated time to break even (annualized revenue meets or exceeds expenses) • Calculate expected return on investment (ROI) *Please note: References are not usually included in a business plan. However because this is an academic assignment, please cite references in APA format. Limit discussion of Phase 2 to approximately 5 pages of text – tables and appendices not included

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