In this assignment, you will give a presentation on how you create, embed, and t

In this assignment, you will give a presentation on how you create, embed, and transmit a positive culture for the dream company you described in Module 5.
Dream company paper included in attachments.
Disney animation paper included.
Lulumelon paper included.
Prepare a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation (of no more than 16 slides), which you will narrate.
1) First, briefly re-introduce the organization you created in Module 5 in no more than one slide.
2) Next, address how you create, embed and transmit a positive culture. Be specific.
Use your own ideas and back up with research. You can also use others ideas by incorporating examples of what other organizations do. For example, you may (but are not required to) incorporate what leaders at SWA, Lululemon, and Disney did as you see fit. If you do, please be sure to state that you are integrating this based on their experience. Feel free to research other company’s cultures and use that information in this presentation as you see fit. Just make sure to cite your sources and make it clear that your idea is borrowed from what company. It is understood that many of these citations will not be from scholarly sources.
If you borrow examples from other organizations, list the organization (describe who they are and what they do) and any research or outcomes they have associated with their practices if available.
3) Address the processes, procedures, systems, and/or policies that facilitate a positive culture. Describe at least five of the following that are relevant to how you create, embed and transmit a positive culture. You may address more, but you are not required to. Again, not all of the items below need to be addressed. This list is extensive to jump start your thinking:
Leadership Qualities and Behaviors
Organizational Structure
Job Design/Compensation/Benefits
Physical Environment
Emotional Environment
Rewards and punishments
Employee Development

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