Heath and Medical Science ARTICLE REVIEW/SUMMARY Introduction: • Choose a curre

Heath and Medical Science
• Choose a current healthcare related article. (the article should be no more than 2 years old)
• Only full articles, not news briefs or columns may be used for the article summary
◦ Summaries must be completed using paragraph form with proper punctuation and correct spelling.   There should be a minimum of two paragraphs. 
◦ At the beginning of the page, write the title, author/reporter, source, date of article, and URL/Link for the article.
◦ Write a complete summary of the article.  The summary should cover the entire article.  Remember, a summary should include main ideas and concepts, not details or supporting evidence.   Write a paragraph, NOT a bulleted list. 
▪ DO NOT COPY from the article, it must be written in your own words. 
◦ Then write an opinion paragraph, analyzing the content of the article.  For example:
▪ What new information did you learn from reading the article?  Did the content interest you?  Explain whether you agree or disagree with the author’s position, if applicable.  Are there any questions that the article raised in your mind?  Would you like to know more about the topic after reading the article?
◦ Using the rubric , the articles will be graded from 0 – 50 points
◦ Summaries are to be completed by the due date in Canvas.

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