In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience by observing and evaluating indoor and outdoor environments in an infant and a toddler setting. You will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation based on what you have learned from the resources in the Competency, your observations, and reflective conversations with your Host Teachers. The presentation evaluates the power and elements of quality indoor and outdoor infant toddler environments.
Submission Length: A narrated PowerPoint presentation on quality indoor and outdoor infant/toddler environments consisting of approximately 24 slides.
Your Observations
Make arrangements to observe in an infant and a toddler setting.
Share your assignment/goals with the Host Teacher in each setting. These include:
o Use both the Infant Toddler Indoor Environment Observation Worksheet and the Infant Toddler Outdoor Environment Observation Worksheet as guides to observe indoor and outdoor environments for both infants and toddlers. Be sure to take good notes and record any questions you may have and the information you seek about the environments.
Engage in a reflective conversation with each Host Teacher about your observation experience, sharing questions that came up for you and areas about which you would like additional information. You may want to focus on an area of the classroom environment that was particularly effective in providing safety, a sense of security, and/or enhancing development. You may have a question about something the teacher did or said, a child’s reaction to something in the environment, and/or ways the program hopes to improve.
Part 1: Quality Indoor Environments
1一2 introductory slides that explain how a quality indoor environment can impact the healthy development and learning of infants and toddlers
8一10 slides that evaluate the essential elements of indoor environments that enhance infant and toddler development and learning
2一3 conclusory slides that include information about the indoor environments in your field settings. Share insights, your host teacher(s) input, and offer suggestions for improvement.
Part 2: Quality Outdoor Environments
1一2 introductory slides that explain the impact that a quality outdoor environment can have on the healthy development and learning of infants and toddlers
8一10 slides that evaluate the essential elements of outdoor environments that enhance infant/toddler development and learning
2一3 conclusory slides that include information about the indoor environments in your field settings. Share insights, your host teacher(s) input, and offer suggestions for improvement
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