This text was primarily generated using AI. I would like it to be rewritten to b

This text was primarily generated using AI. I would like it to be rewritten to better align with the tone and quality of human-authored content. Please ensure it feels more natural and refined while retaining the original meaning and ideas.
Could you please completely rewrite the introduction based on my text, while incorporating the structure, deepening the discussion of the literature, and including details on methods, content, and additional evidence?
And please completely rewrite the “Discussion” section, making it more specific and citing relevant literature that supports the critique points based on my input.
main literature:
Carneiro, P., Løken, K. V., & Salvanes, K. G. (2015). A flying start? Maternity leave benefits and long-run outcomes of children. Journal of Political Economy, 123(2), 365-412.
Danzer, N., & Lavy, V. (2018). Paid parental leave and children’s schooling outcomes. The Economic Journal, 128(608), 81-117.
Cortés, P., & Pan, J. (2023). Children and the remaining gender gaps in the labor market. Journal of Economic Literature, 61(4), 1359-1409.
Bettinger, E., Hægeland, T., & Rege, M. (2014). Home with mom: the effects of stay-at-home parents on children’s long-run educational outcomes. Journal of Labor Economics, 32(3), 443-467.

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