Please follow the instructions below given by tutor but also please read assessm

Please follow the instructions below given by tutor but also please read assessment brief and structure carefully and follow
Use for journal research but only take data from top rated journals. Please use data from at least 15 journals and all needs to be referenced. Can use AI to extract data from journals but it needs to be quality data and needs to be referenced and pharaphsarsed or quoted correctly.
The topic is The role of online marketing in supporting small businesses and needs to be about local fast foods (UK local fast foods eg fish&chips, samosa shops, pizza shops)
Please see some notes given by the tutor below. Let me know if anything needs to be clarified.
The Role of online marketing in supporting small businesses

Topic – Local fast foods
Understand the role of marketing campaigns online supporting increased
Online advertising business growth
· To analyse the role of social media marketing campaigns in increasing sales of fast-food small firms operating in my region
· To analyse the importance of online promotions in supporting fast food small restaurants attraction of clients in my region.
· To investigate the main barriers fast food restaurants operating in my area face in utilising online marketing to increase their sales

3 research questions for 3 objectives above

5 steps approach on how to write most of the elements of methodology chapter

1. Define the meaning (what?)
Research philosophy, research approach, research design.
Define philosophy
Define research
Define approach
Define design
2. Explain the significance (why?)
3. Options – Mention alternatives
4. Choose – Your Option
5. Justify – Through explanation of why
6. Population
7. Recruitment
8. Ethics
9. Limitations

Provide explanation based on:
Your research focus
The definition of your chosen option

Literature review
How you communicate what the other authors have said
You need a perspective

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