Instructions: • Review your articles/sources and continue writing your 25 -page

• Review your articles/sources and continue writing your 25 -page literature review due this week.
• Submit your Draft Thesis Or Creative Project Literature Review
• Participate in the Week Eight Forum on Methodology (Forum 8)
Thesis or Creative Project Literature Review (See Appendix 1: MA Theses and Appendix 2: MA Creative Project of the 2012 Capstone Manual)
A 25 page creative project or literature review is due at the end of Week 8. The literature review focuses on how the creative project experience fits into the discipline. Specifically, it introduces the project and places it in a larger context that includes a discussion of how this experience helps the student meet the program objectives. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to the project.

· Describe how completing this project is consistent with the course of study.
· Articulate the objectives the student hopes to achieve through the completion of this project.
· Provide a short conclusion and transition to the next section.
Thesis Literature Review: reviews the literature on a specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to the student’s specific research question.
· Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question:
– Study one: summarize to include researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and evaluation of biases in the findings.
– Study two: summarize to include researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and evaluation of biases in the findings.
o Include a minimum of at least three of the most important studies.
o Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.

To help you meet your final paper requirement. Please review the rubric and Capstone Manual for more specific guidelines on expectations; however, please note you are to provide comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence. You should demonstrate a higher- level of critical thinking necessary for 500-600 level work. You are to provide well-supported ideas and reflection with a variety of current and/or world views in the assignment. You are expected to present a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment. You should thoroughly understand and excel in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is required. Overall format of assignment needs to include an appropriate introduction (or abstract), well- developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates your ability to plan and organize research in a logical sequence. You are expected to use at least of 25 or more references in your literature review.
Submission Instructions:
Please note: will be automatically added to and checked against the standard Turnitin repositories. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student in roughly 15 minutes of the submission. Multiple submissions are allowed.
Rubric for Graduate Level 600+ for weekly Literature Review/Final Paper
Focus/Thesis — 10%
Content/Subject Knowledge — 20%
Critical Thinking Skills — 20%
Organization of Ideas/Format — 20%
Writing Conventions (Grammar & Mechanics) — 20%
Use of Computer Technology/Applications — 10%
Graduate Grading Rubric.pdf:
Searching for Literature Reviews: Before You Write, You Have to Find:
Reviewing a Sample Literature Review (Part I):
Writing Format: APA
What is Plagiarism:
What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It:
Purdue Online Writing Lab:
APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page:
APA Game (This will only function correctly on a mobile device or a modern web browser)
Writing Help:
You may also rent or purchase the books on Amazon at a very reasonable price (specifically Prime members) and download it too.
The APUS End of Program Assessment Manual for Graduate Studies (aka the EOP Manual) is located at
The EOP Manual presents the requirements for formatting your capstone paper or thesis. You will also need to consult your program’s style guide.
Also consult the library’s Writing Help – Thesis/Capstone page and the Research Methods Information Guide for tips on formatting and structuring your thesis.

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