Hello writer, Basically I want you to redo the whole paper, the research paper w

Hello writer,
Basically I want you to redo the whole paper, the research paper was 74 percent the problem it was too broad which you talked about three industries, all you have to do is pick one industry please, which means you have to change the whole paper!!!, previous order was 220 , now im paying extra 342 because this is very important assginment for me to determine if will pass the course or not, please please take it so seriously , i want you to read carefully , and ask yourself questions about evualtion criteria for 80/20 rule, specfic research questions , etc. , APA format, add page numbers for intro, body, and conclusion only while others no need for page numbers. 15 referecnes, 20 pages , 1.5 spacing, please make sure you focus only on one industry, thank you

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