Please follow the instructions in the attachments carefully:
The attachments will be covered:
1- Poster intrctions
2- Poster structure
3- Poster assesment
4- Poster example
5- Selective agar: this attachment will be only using as a data for the selective agar data.
In terms of the other data, please post a pictures for each one of the following:
• Selective media cultivation: given
• Microscopic examination: Add a picture
• Gram staining: Add a picture
• PCR amplification of 16S rRNA and Cry toxin genes: Add a picture
• Gel electrophoresis to verify DNA amplification: Add a picture
*Please don’t be restricted with word number as the maximum is 500, so if you write less than 500. Please send me the rest as a presesntation notes.
*English langauge as a socend language.
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