A discussion forum that includes:
An introduction of yourself to the class
Your thoughts on the most significant achievement in public health in the 20th century and explain why.
Begin by introducing yourself to the class and explaining your background. What is your experience in public health? What are your future career goals in the field of public health?
When you review the resources in this module, you will see that there have been many great public health achievements that have occurred during the twentieth century. Of the 10 achievements listed in the CDC article Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the 20th Century, which do you feel is the most significant and why? Be sure to use some of the working definitions of public health that you have been introduced to in this module.
the sources to used
textbook: Public Health: What It Is and How It Works, Chapter 1
This chapter will introduce you to the concept of public health and will familiarize you with the system, features and function of public health.
Article: A History of the Public Health System opens in new window
This reading, Chapter 3 from The Future of Public Health (1988) published by the Institute of Medicine, will give you a brief background on the history of public health and the major milestones that have influenced its development.
link to article https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6019a5.htm
pleased follow the rubric which i have attach. also i am asking if you can add examples, personal experience, questions and statics, references to the assigment. it supposed to be an discussion post. also keep me posted if you can view the attached files
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