write a 3- to 4-page paper, (which means not less than 3 full pages) addressing

write a 3- to 4-page paper, (which means not less than 3 full pages) addressing the following issues: Which of the principles of persuasion did you select as the most useful in your daily life? Based on the ideas about persuasion that you read about in the background readings, write a memo (at least one page) to your employees trying to persuade them to spend the next two weekends volunteering at a shelter for homeless veterans. This memo shouldn’t be an “order” that they need to work on the weekend, but rather an attempt to persuade them to do so. Make sure to use the general concepts from Schachter (2021); or Nijssen et al., (2023); or Oswald et al. Bring in at least 3 of these scholarly readings into your assignment. Conclude your paper with a discussion of how your memo applied the concepts from the background materials. Be specific as to what sources you used and what sections of your memo were influenced by which source. Include both a References page and in-text citations. Attention is to be given to citing sources of information in-text as well as in the References page at the end of the paper

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