two careers interest you the most. Respond in 750 words to the following: • Why

Due Friday Assignment Name: Careers in Psychology Review Ch. 18 of Introduction to Psychology and the American Psychological Association website (www.apa.og) to review career possibilities for psychology majors. Determine which two careers interest you the most. Respond in 750 words to the following: •             Why do these careers interest you? •             Provide a detailed overview … Read more

upcoming practicum experience. Read the article by: Kohl, H.W., Craig, C. L., Lambert, E.V., Inoue,

Reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Read the article that is linked below and share insights as how to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis.  In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned … Read more

this essay.

1. Compose a completed (4 pages minimum) rough draft of your Rhetorical Analysis Essay. The rough draft should be in proper MLA format, include an introduction w/ thesis, body paragraphs, topic/transition sentences, conclusion, and works cited page. See the essay prompt for specific instructions regarding guidelines and expectations. Consult the Rhetorical Analysis Essay prompt on … Read more

you suggestions for potential career options based on your interests. You will use your assessment

To identify your career goals, take this O*NET Career Self-Assessment. Your responses are categorized into six O*NET career clusters (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional). The Interest Profile will give you suggestions for potential career options based on your interests. You will use your assessment results to help you to decide which career choice(s) are … Read more